I'm back now to visit you even though I said I'm not gonna online for 2 months?
failed to do that but at least I did that for a month~
in between~
I had already did 2 practical papers~
which is chemistry and biology =(
I feel like wanna do the papers again~
I'm not satisfied with my careless mistakes~
but all are over!
I got to move on to prepare theory papers~
next paper will be on 31st of oct~
I hope I can do well in all theory papers!
My A-level 50%~~~~~
really have to work HARDER!
as what i had told a friend: It's AS cambridge exam~no more playing and joking around like last time =(
Oh My God~
It's like another spm need to face again~
next year gonna face final again~
again and again~
this is what we so call life cycle?
hmmph~crap la~XP
gonna say something about my healthy with you~
I don't get flu,fever or any diease~
but I got my muscle pain~
due to the dance practice~
oh yeah~
these dance is for my 小学新礼堂开幕典礼~
my lovely 母校~
and my adorable cousins are all studying there now~
gonna give them a surprise on stage XDDD
doing wave and shaking your butt are actually tiring le~
I thought its easy~
but when you did a lot of times, easy had turned to be pain la~
my muscle!
ahh well,
later gonna accompanymy sister to hair saloon~
I was thinking do I want to colour my hair or not?
let's see....
I really have no idea~
okay~ math paper 6 now~
I must like it!
I'm lovin' it~