yesterday was too late and I couldn't get to here and pot you anything=)
I had gathering with 2ndary school's friends at IOI belouvard~
and we even dine at the same restaurant with bang & zelo!
that's a concidence~
I'm so sorry to said that no one of us know them until the we saw their faces appear in the TV screen!(the Tv is in that restaurant)
VV an I was late due to her working hours~
and they told us about bang&zelo once we had sat in our seat~
both of us were shocked and surprised!
eventhough I don't know them>.<
then we went to washroom as they're sitting across washroom!XDDD
okay~I think I'll remember their faces ady~XD
then they!
planned to give me a surprise b;day cake...
but they failed to do that~
the condition is like this:
MK:hey...cat,do you want to go out for a walk as we three have finished our meal~
vv: why suddenly like this??why??
cat: yea...why??
SW: errr....talk softly>buy cake
cat: why need to buy cake?
everyone burst into laugh!
I must show them how to be surprise next time~
they are so innocent and cute!
I like the way they are=)
but they celebrated for me on 14th of Jan =)
and we celebrated it in library~
library??sounds like we are really going to read books?
that's a pub named tu shu guan by the way!
then SW is drunk~
and drivers including me are not allowed to drink much..=3=
then the last drink of mine is hot chocolate to get rid of the alcohol in my body~
then we went home at 0000~~
the day end with a perfect ending~
1st day of Sem 3
I reached home at 3.15pm after dropping my friend to her house=)
We had a nice chat in the journey~
Finally there are something to fill up my day=)
that's study and make fun with friends.
For those who don't take physic have an extra hour freedom as Math lecturer is not here today, Mr Chan take over his period...
So in total, We only have 2 hours lectures todayXD
Fun to the max when we are gathered and chat a lot~~~~
No one is keeping their mount close in the class and outside~
That's the fun part when you have friends with you~
Ms Annie teaches Gene Tech today...
I am so not in mood for this complicated stuff to stuck inside my brain D:
But well, I need to overcome it~
eat it and maybe I might need a longer time to digest all of them =X
Okay,it's time to do some revision on Biology=D
We had a nice chat in the journey~
Finally there are something to fill up my day=)
that's study and make fun with friends.
For those who don't take physic have an extra hour freedom as Math lecturer is not here today, Mr Chan take over his period...
So in total, We only have 2 hours lectures todayXD
Fun to the max when we are gathered and chat a lot~~~~
No one is keeping their mount close in the class and outside~
That's the fun part when you have friends with you~
Ms Annie teaches Gene Tech today...
I am so not in mood for this complicated stuff to stuck inside my brain D:
But well, I need to overcome it~
eat it and maybe I might need a longer time to digest all of them =X
Okay,it's time to do some revision on Biology=D
Hi my dear sem3~
Posted by
Sook Sian
on Monday, January 9, 2012
new old friend,
Comments: (0)

Today will be my last day of semester break!
tomorrow is the first day of sem3~
and sem 3 is going to be a busy semester!
and it's 6 months study periods without break in between!
I'm just not going to use to it =(
I love resting!XDD
lazy bug~
oh well,that's not going to be true anyway~
life must be something challenging and tough to make us feel real!
Look forward for better days in the next 6 months in Taylor's~
Rock the months together=)
I love taylor's, and my friends!
It's time to bed~
good night~
class begins at 10 tomorrow~
But I have to reach college early to prepare for my university registration thingy~
又是得加油的另一天 =)