yuhoo~ now...is exam break!!(Hari deepavali)
haha~have about 4 days for me to play before continue my exam..
herm... next week exam include the hardest subject~ which is add math~.~
this subject make me always feel panic~
I just start my 5 classses home tuition for add math... don't know wether it works or not..
but anyway~
that day will come tOOOOooo~
just treat it like enjoyment ~
(maybe think by using this way will make me feel more relax~kaka)
just like what my dad told me : exam?!? don't fear of it!
just fight till the end because we can't estimate
what will we get or happen at the next second~
fuh~really feel proud of my dad since he is so kind and understanding~
give him 80% marks for being a 24father~ haha~
another 20% must keep for emergency he treat me too good~
then I still can add more~ haha
hah! lets talk about something about my today's activities~
when I just back from school~
the first thnig that I heard was my stupid Lim BiBi was calling me~
haha~ I had about 2 days didn't play with him~
felt guilty....
SoooOOOOOo~ I just put my beg at my room at ran out to play with him~
He is so cute~
I think he felt suffer just now since I hug him for about 20 minutes~
after that I joined my kakak to cut the grass which is in my house compound...
we was talking about 38 things while we are cutting the grass~
finally~I accompanied my mum to bake cakes for her girl friend~
and then????
come and online and write blog~
haha wish to have a nice day tonight~
suddenly feel exam is just one part of my student's life~
never give up is the best theme for exam...
post my favourite yoyo monkey's story~

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