Feel annoy now!
Where is the person who are suppose to take over the 3pm shift?
where is she?
i am working extra time already.
how can she late for so long,and now,i can't even find her shadow.
i am not angry but just feel annoy.
when i was still a child,my parents taught me not to be late for any appointment.
time is precious!
oh my god!now is 4pm ady.
i am still waiting....
boss went out and i force to wait for her...
yeer....she is already 30+ years old,and still late for work.
so bad attitude.
mayb you are late because of any illness or traffic jam.if one of the possibilty is her reason,
then i think she should inform through sms or a call.
you didn't do anything and you are very late now.
Sigh~suan bah,
later go back home need to help dad to dye his hair.haha....
i will be a hairdresser later...haha....
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