Happy new year 2011!
hmm~~lazy to post~
but post something special this year!XP
This is copy from facebook!
Facebook countdown new year number games!
this is the rules:
:| Inbox me any number between 1 and 5000 and I'll make my status your number and what I think about you. Fun thing is, only you and me know what your number is. Post this as your status. :DDD
'Meng Keat
1 ! For the girl. I never met you before yet we're chatting like we're very good friend. You're nice sometimes and sometimes your words hurt me! Haha. You still haven't play games with me. You know that right? Pfft. I start to not believe your words already! :P And remember to fetch me out to Pasar Malam after my ns yea! I'll not forget your promise.
hmm~actually I still remember all the promises~
but my internet is too limited to let me play online game!
and I thought this stupid yoong had already forgot about the pasar malam thingy~XP
so bloggy,this is not my fault right?=D
我知道这是我们的共同点 也就是我们的出生年份
这家伙阿 曾经和他同住一个屋檐 还同睡一张床
还蛮感谢他 在form 123时的陪伴 他的确很兄弟
他EQ和IQ都很高 相信以后 他会很成功 我坚信
oi da han yam cha
bloggy, dang dang~my soh spoh friend
yes!I quite miss those time when we sleep together,
work together,study together,
play with your grandma's dogs
and stay together with your family!
I really miss those moment very much!
Sophien Lim
haha!she is the super fan of S.H.E~
the best moment we had ever created is in a BBQ spm party!
She is nice and fun!
Jiamin Cheam
0,hahaha what a weird number!only u would have thought of it!lolls,u're my lover ♥,my bestie since the very day of form1!haha had gone through lots of times with u..haha from sweet to bitter to sour,nothing could replace u,and no matter wht happens I just wanna tell u,sarangheyo!!I've cut short a lot of things,because I know 420chrcters are not enough LOL
bloggy,I sure you know she very well!
haha!yeap!she is my bestie~~~
Min Mintku!
hmm~~~she is a good girl but lazy!
gonna accompany her to do more exercise!
wanna make her become leng luii before her college starts!
Weilinn Katherine Chang
790 : my study idol..^^..pro pro..hehe...=)
here is my 1st luii~
She is a brave girl and love music so much!
proud of it!
KahYan 종가흔
Numbah 79. My handsome appa ! You're the smartest in the class but you always care about me than others ♥ haha.. appa,just break off with the fellar in your current relationship..OPPA nvr choi me at all ! T^T Thanks for being a great friend APPA! You always there for me ! I know you're addicted in Korean songs now..but I won't give you my MINHYUK ! You can keep your YONGHWA but not minhyuk xD Saranghaeyo appa ! ♥
aww~~I will miss you too luii!
nah~bloggy~my 2nd luii is she!
haha~nice person and likes korea!
yeap~me too having the same hobby~
haha~hmm~She is really nice!!!!this is the best description of my luii~~
Ting Pei Lim
5000: a soft, gentle, nice and polite girl. if i were a guy, i'll definitely go after you! xD i think you'll make a very good girlfriend xD the thing is, i've never really seen you going wild and crazy and scream and shout like most of us. you're very ladylike :D
this is a girl who study hard in secondary school~
we studied in different class but same in chinese class(because we only have 1 class)
aiyo~she wrote till like that~
hmm~make me shy shy only la~
I will actually be crazy with my buddies too~XP
Yuit Ying
sook sian~~always meet u in dream n always dun wan frenz u wan...lol....<----our memories...really zadao...n our makan time...lol..share our food story where hv nice food...we should find out a date n go makan dun care diet..lol..i stil gto alot food story to tell u...my japan trip got alot delicious food...haha..lurve eu♥♥
bloggy,she is my food talk partner!
hahas!yeap!I will think of food when I meet you next time!
I admit I love food very much!
but do love you,my dear 38 friend!
Catherine Gan
66 ; you are a SMART girl that I actually din see you study much for exam, woww, you are genius la. :) you are friendly to all of your friends & you are such a loveable friend that ppl will never talk bad about you. :) JEALOUSS. ♥♥I love hanging around with you in school especially in lab, our sweet memories mostly from lab, so different kan? I hope we can still keep in touch and have gathering often, especially with your gang. :D
bLOGGY,sHE IS the girl who sitting bus together with me for 2 years!
she is nice and sweet~~
love you~~
Huhu Chan
1000---lim sook sian XD
考试一定考到很好的啦你 :(
你知道我几惨没有 :(
考到我肺都穿啊 :(
拍拖了没有你 :(
看死你在玩着暧昧咯 :( aiyerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
wish u happy gao gao ahhhhhhh :D
She is my primary friend..
we always compare our latest measurement of our height!
hmm~~last time our height is almost the same!
but now...she is so damn higher than me a lot!
haha~~~tall girl~
okay~I'm tired ad sleepy!
good night!