I don't know what's wrong with my body.
Last Saturday,
I swam from 2000 until 2200.
The day when I can swim successfully,
other than me, my sister and her boyfriend came for swimming too.
As her boyfriend is the one who giving us swimming tutorial.
I must admit that I really scared of water for some stupid reasons?
There are too much example of ways to hurt yourself in water which shown in movies?
I know it is just a swimming pool...
It's not going to hurt me since there are no fishes are other creatures that would hurt me...
But I just can't stop myself to think about how fierce the fishes are especially shark!
I know this is really sound stupid..But well, that’s what I think whenever I am in the water...
After two days teaching, I finally learnt how to swim!
I was too excited and couldn't stopped myself to scream..
hehe~~I hope neighbours wouldn't heard me!
If they did so,
I have to say sorry here...I am not doing it on purpose..
Sometimes, my mind is out of control due to happiness overlapping my mind~XP
While I was still enjoying the feeling swimming in swimming pool,
I had never expected there is a nightmare coming soon....
On Sunday,
I couldn't stand properly and I could really felt that my head is too heavy to lift up!
Used a hand to touch my forehead...
Hesitating whether I was having fever or it's just an assumption?
I asked my mom to check for me...
And she said: yes, you are in fever now...go and get some panadols and sleep for a few hours.
I got sick in the first day of my semester break?!
WHAT THE HELL! (I'm so sorry that I have to use this phrase the describe my mood)
Okay, I told myself to eat one panadol and sleep for two hours.
I have thought I maybe will get well after these two hours...
Tick Dock Tick Dock...
Two hours passed, and I was awake, quickly ran toward my mom and ask her to check my forehead again!
I looked at her face and was waiting for her telling me the good news!
The evil song was played, and my mom said: you have to take another two panadol until you get rid of these stupid fever..
Alright, I was officially can-not-go-out-and-have-to-stay-on-my-bed.
Day ended with the accompanied of pills.
I woke up at 9am and touched my forehead..
Still, I couldn't get to differentiate what's the correct forehead temperature..
Well, I tried to stand and felt that legs weren't in a good condition; I had to use a lot of energy to stand properly...
I didn't bother too much about the fever..
and I still out to MCD and 1U..
and took two panadol before sleep..
and my monday ended at least with some entertainment..
My fever had gone!
shoo shoo~
but...my sore throat has became more serious than before..
I totally can't talk too loud, or else, the pain really might kill my pain receptors.
I didn't talk much on Tuesday and went back to dad's house.
which is yesterday!
Flu and Cough found me!
GG.com is what I need to surf on internet!
okay okay~I cheated myself that I will be better tomorrow...
IT'S 4.45AM!
I can't sleep anymore..
the coughing is disturbing me from asleep~
my throat is damn pain now~
make all of these over quickly~
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